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Supporting the Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education in the region

Together with the Regional Cooperation Council, the lead partner in the process, ERI SEE is actively contributing to the enhancements of the QA systems in Higher Education in the region. Namely, the exercise in which the quality assurance systems in the region were evaluated against the established European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) was implemented from August – December 2020. The exercise consisted of the desk research of the current quality assurance standards in the 6 Western Balkans economies (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, , Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia), self-assessment exercise, on-line meetings and interviews with the relevant stakeholders in individual economies, drafting individual reports and regional recommendations. It was implemented by international experts with long-standing experience in evaluating quality assurance systems in Europe.

The exercise provided a screen-shot of the factual situation per quality assurance system per economy, and an exhaustive and comprehensive list of required actions needed to be undertaken in each economy to achieve the ESG, using the European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies’ interpretation of the ESG.

The presentation of the individual reports and regional recommendations is planned for end of December, when the recommendations will be discussed by the participating economies. The official conclusions and recommendation will be available on once they are endorsed by the economies.

Despite the many challenges faced in the implementation of the exercise, due to COVID-19, all the economies have recognized the benefits and importance of the undertaken activities and appreciated the support of international experts in quality assurance for their adjustment to the ESG.


* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNCSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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