The second working group meeting for the hotel and restaurant technician qualification standard in Banja Luka
The second working group meeting for the development of the hotel and restaurant technician qualification standard was organised in Banja Luka with the framework of the Towards regionally-based occupational standards – TO REGOS project. Meeting took place on 12th and 13th of March 2020 and was orgnaised by Dušan Sarajlić of the Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education APOSO.
Activities implemented by business and education experts were:
- Analysis of the achieved phase of development of standards and results of the work of the working group from the first meeting
- Comparison of required knowledge and skills from occupational standards with written learning outcomes in the qualification standard
- Analysis of individually submitted comments on the current content of the standard
- Analysis of the developed occupational standard and preparation for the translation of professional competencies into learning outcomes
- Development of qualification standard
The meeting was attended by relevant business representatives and education experts of the APOSO.