TO REGOS project – moving forward towards qualification standards
Six economies that gathered around the common goal of developing occupational standards and standards of qualifications, finalised the first occupational standard for hotel and restaurant technician within the Towards regionally-based occupational standards – TO REGOS project.
Project partners from VET agencies and Chambers of Commerce from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia jointly organised over 24 meetings on national level and three regional meetings during which business experts working in tourism sector worked with VET agencies and education experts to develop regionally based hotel and restaurant technician occupational standard. The occupational standards will be adopted on the national level.
The project partners are moving forward towards developing qualification standards for hotel and restaurant technician that will be adopted on national level. The first meetings were organised in Montenegro in February 2020 by Center for Vocational Education.
The first regional occupational for standard hotel-restaurant technician can be downloaded here.
For more information about the TO REGOS project and activities please visit the WBA4WBL platform.