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Webinar On Feasibility Of Developing Regionally Based Qualifications Standards, December 2020

Webinar on feasibility of developing regionally based qualifications standards, December 2020

The Webinar on feasibility of developing regionally based qualifications standards was organised on 23rd December 2020 by the ERI SEE Secretariat within the scope of the TO REGOS project.

The webinar gathered occupational standards experts from six TO REGOS economies discuss the Study on developing regionally based qualifications standards in the SEE Region that was developed within the TO REGOS project.

The Draft Study presents a comparative analysis of institutional and legislative framework in six economies and gives recommendations and action plan elaborating potential for development of regionally based qualification standards. It elaborates further the conditions, levels, sectors and other aspects of developing Regionally Based Standards of Qualifications and recommends methodology for setting such policies in place. The study will be available on the TO REGOS website while the meeting presentation can be downloaded here.

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