Western Balkans Alliance on Work Based Learning: SEEVET Net – WB Chambers Investment Forum meeting – Vienna, 28th and 29th November 2017
Under the auspices of the KulturKontakt Austria and ERI SEE, a meeting / workshop between the representatives of the regional VET centres (gathered under the umbrella of the SEEVET Network) and representatives of the regional Chambers of Economy (gathered under the umbrella of the Chambers Investment Forum – CIF) was organized, with the purpose of continuation of planning a regional project proposal dealing with the subject of developing joint standards of occupation and qualifications, and curricula and their piloting, and developing an on-line regional platform for Work Based Learning.
The meeting / workshop gave opportunities to participants to present the most recent developments in the area of WBL in the SEE region – changes in legislation to allow for the smoother implementation of the WBL, projects already taking place, documents, tools and instruments produced as complimentary to the undertaken reforms – and to share among themselves. The meeting also served as the basis for the creation of the future on-line regional platform, that will enable sharing of documents, practices, ideas, communication, and work on the joint future documents and activities.
During the meeting, already existing instruments for the implementation of different formats of WBL were mapped; those that will need translation and modification were identified, as well as the gaps in documents that do not exist yet but would be useful for more countries.