Towards regionally-based occupational standards
15th March 2019 officially marked the beginning of the ERI SEE and Western Balkans Alliance for Work-based Learning project Towards regionally-based standards of occupation, funded by the Austrian Development Agency with the funds secured by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
The project plans to contribute to the employability and labour-market mobility of young people in the SEE region by investing in quality and labour-market relevant vocational education and training (VET). More concretely, the project is focusing on a strong partnership between business and education, thus ensuring definition and elaboration of labour-market relevant skills in the standards of occupations, which make the core of the qualifications standards and consequently curricula, taught at schools in the region. As a consequence, the young students leaving secondary VET schools will be taught skills that are relevant for employers, thus leading to their greater employability. The project focuses on 2 sectors – tourism and hospitality, and construction industry, and within them on 5 occupational standards: hotel and restaurant technician, dry construction worker, floor-layer, tile-setter and painter.
The project also plans to enable translation of regionally-based standards of occupations into national standards of qualifications, and their adoption following nationally defined procedures.
The partners in the project are Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe, Western Balkans 6 Chambers Investment Forum, VET agencies/centres from the region, and Chambers of Commerce from the region. The project is supported by the KulturKontakt Austria and Austrian Chamber of Commerce. Its planned duration is 26 months and the overall budget is around 560.000,00 EUR.
For more information about the project please follow the ERI SEE or WBA4WBL websites.