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Support to the education and training systems in times of COVID-19: QUALITY OF VET 25 November 2020

Webinar titled Support to the education and training systems in times of COVID-19: Quality of VET was organised on 25 November 2020 by Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe – ERI SEE Secretariat in cooperation with the European Training Foundation – ETF.

This was the third webinar in series dedicated to supporting the activities of the SEE Teacher Education and Training Network members. The first two webinars were devoted to sharing experiences in responding to the COVID-19 challenge (preparation of scenarios for COVID-19, blended learning and effects on school year 2020/21) and ensuring the monitoring of quality in general education. The webinar Support to the education and training systems in times of COVID-19: Quality of VET was focused more specifically on VET systems, digital means, and response to COVID-19 pandemic.

The meeting participants, the SEE Teacher Education and Training Network representatives, the representatives of ministries in charge for education, VET centres and other relevant institutions took part in discussions that was moderated by Ms Tina Šarić, Director of the ERI SEE Secretariat. The discussion was framed by inputs from international experts in the field and experiences from governmental and project supported initiatives in the region.

Their presentations can be downloaded here:

  • Dr Andrew McCoshan, Dublin City University: Developments in Digitalisation and Innovation in Vocational Education & Trainingdownload
  • Claire Hermann, European Commission: European Commission new actions to support Vocational Education and Training in times of COVIDdownload
  • Alessandro Brolpito, ETF: The SELFIE Tool the latest development: Some focus on quality of Digital and Online Learning in VET in emergency and beyond itdownload
  • Vesna Anđelić, Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education: Support to VET in Croatia during COVID 19 and beyond download
  • Dr Erka Çaro and Fation Dragoshi, Skills for Jobs project – Swisscontact, Albania: S4J Project(ing): a system-level change: Modernizing Vocational Education to Empower Young People download
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