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Supporting education and training systems to adjust to COVID-19 circumstances

With the view of supporting education and training systems in the region to find better answers to the current crisis, ERI SEE Secretariat used the on-line platform to bring experts from EU and non-EU countries together and discuss the current challenges. This also represented the continuation of work of the SEE Teacher education and training network, as well as the Regional group of experts in Quality assurance in pre-tertiary education, coordinated by ERI SEE and composed of the experts in these areas.

A series of 3 webinars were organized, first on the subject of preparing scenarios for school year 2020/2021, the second one on the subject of blended learning and monitoring quality of teaching and learning in digital environment, and the third one on influence of COVID-19 on VET systems and their provisions.

The webinars brought together experts from the European Commission, Dutch Inspectorate for Education, Croatian Ministry of Science and Education and Agency for VET and Adult Education, Austrian digital network, University of Dublin, as well as the Western Balkans counterparts presenting their solutions and best practices: Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and Institute for improvement of education, North Macedonian Bureau for Development of Education, Albanian project Skills for Jobs, and Bosnian and Herzegovinian association Step by Step. The webinars were attended by a large number of participants from the region, sparked discussions, and identified other relevant topics for further discussions.

We are thanking our guest speakers and participant and looking forward to continuing connecting with them in this format and face-to-face when possible!

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