Workshop on the integration of ESGs into the work of QA agencies in higher education from the WB6 – Zagreb, Croatia, 06 and 07 July 2023
The Workshop on the integration of European standards and guidelines (ESG) into the work of quality assurance (QA) agencies in higher education from the Western Balkans 6 was organised on 06 and 07 July 2023 by the Education Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe (ERI SEE), in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, and Agency for Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Croatia, and with support of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). The workshop was a part of the activities of the ERI SEE – RCC Regional Working group on higher education qualifications and quality assurance.
The main goals of the workshop were to offer a platform for peer learning and the exchange of experiences among the colleagues from WB6 QA Agencies and with colleagues from Croatia on the topic of the implementation of the ESG and to plan further activities of the regional network.
The workshop was opened by Ms Josipa Dragičević, PhD, of the Ministry of Science and Education, Republic of Croatia, Ms Sandra Bezjak, MSc of the Agency for Science and Higher Education, Mr Ilir Deda of the RCC and Ms Tina Šarić the ERI SEE Director.
The first day of the meeting was devoted to discussing the ESGs for internal and external quality assurance and ESGs for quality assurance agencies. Ms Vesna Dodiković Jurković, PhD, Ms Sandra Bezjak, MSc, and prof Danijela Horvatek Tomić of the Agency for Science and Higher Education presented their experiences and examples of good practises as the basis for discussion on the ESG implementation by the WB6 QA Agencies.
During the second day, Mr Ilir Deda of the RCC, presented the activities of the Reginal Cooperation Council in the higher education area, Ms Ivana Živadinović of the ERI SEE presented the latest developments regarding the Joint information system and Ms Tina Šarić opened discussion about future regional activities in the field of quality assurance.
Tina Šarić, ERI SEE: Workshop on the ESG into the work of QA agencies in HE from WB6 – download
Vesna Dodiković-Jurković, PhD, ASHE: ESG part I – download
mr. sc. Sandra Bezjak, ASHE: Part II of ESG Standards for external quality assurance – download
Vesna Dodiković-Jurković, PhD, ASHE: ESG part III – ASHE experience – download
Assoc. prof. Danijela Horvatek Tomić, DVM, ASHE: Internal and external quality system: A tool for improving the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb – download
Ivana Živadinović, ERI SEE: Joint Information System on Recognition of Academic Qualifications – download